Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Demon Blogger Part 2

Well it's been 2 and a 1/2 years since my last post here...
There has been a lot of water under the bridge since then and the time I have had to do creative writing has been severely reduced :(
Make me happy and surf over to the Gibboncore website http://www.gibboncore.com/ and click on one of Amazon links and buy one of my books.
My mid year resolution is to try and use this blog a little more...

Monday, 4 January 2010

Demon Blogger

Demon blogger that I am I'd forgotten I'd actually got this!
Too busy fiddling on with other web sites, bands,MySpace, writing and stuff getting with life... not very bloggery I know! I'll try harder next time honest!

I suppose a year and a couple of dates isn't that bad really!!!

Yes well okay it's pretty duff but in that time Blunt Wound Trauma has made it onto the worlds bookshelves and is still available from Amazon and all good book sellers. Please click on the links to Amazon on the Gibboncore website as this increases the revenue from the book.



Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Some of you might have noticed that I have not updated this for a while; that is partly because I have been busy writing fiction and setting up a micro publishing business; no I’m not going to be publishing really small books! “Micro” because I’m going to be publishing a relatively small amount of books per year… small that is compared with the big boys.

The first title is Blunt Wound Trauma which is an anthology of my own short stories. I’m hoping to have this available by the end of January 2009; so hang onto those Amazon Vouchers that you get for Xmas!

I’ll do another update when the publication date is firmed up; in the mean time you can check out my web site for further info. http://www.gibboncore.com/



Tuesday, 10 June 2008

The War Child benefit book “You're Not The Only One”, put together by Peach , is now out and features short stories from Twisted Tales Hosts DBA Lehane and Micky McGuinness.

It costs £12.50: £5.00 goes to production costs (that Lulu take and pass on) ,Lulu.com takes £1.50 for themselves in fees (but I THINK they're going to waive that), and the rest, £6 goes to Warchild.

If you buy it as a download, £10 of the £12.50 goes to Warchild

There are 106 contributors and I’m sure that more of them may well be Red Bubble members; as the book was fairly well plugged here.

So if you are in let me know, and I’ll add you name to this post.

As I ordered my copies two days ago, I don’t know what Darren’s contribution is like; but I’m sure it’s up to his usual standard. As for my contribution: it’s a bit different from the stuff I post up here; it’s got quite a lot of dialect in it and its very dialogue heavy. So if you hated *Nailed* then you probably won’t like this either!

Regardless of whether you like either Darren’s or my work; the book and the project are well worth supporting.



Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Sick of being sick

The house has been full of people with colds... grown ups with colds, and kids with colds, so not much writing going on... I uploaded some photos to Red Bubble, entered one competition, and did little else since I last updated this...

Saturday, 15 March 2008


I'm having a few problems updating this at the moment, due to some funny business when logging on.... as soon as I get it worked out normal service will be resumed! Until them it is best to check my Red Bubble account for any new writing or pictures.

Sunday, 9 March 2008